Choosing the right univeristy for you

Where you go can determine who you become.
Lets make the right choice!

Crucial Factors When Deciding The Right College!

  1. The Major!
  2. It is important that you take into consideration the amount of majors offered by the college that align with your intrests and career path. Not always will you be able to enroll in your first choice major and your fallback might be your future career.

  3. Cost and Fees!
  4. The sticker price on most schools is not usually what a student will pay, especially regarding private colleges. Ask about financial aid and scholarship opportunities at the colleges or universities you are interested in. There are also many local scholarships and renewable scholarships available.

  5. Class size!
  6. 5000, 10000, 30000 ...these are examples of the number of students typical colleges have. Class size can have a big impact on learning due to the sharing of resources and other factors. There is a huge disparity between small discussion-based classes and big lectures requiring multiple of teaching assistants. Depending on which learning style you resonate with a large or small college can make your learning enjoyable.

  7. Academic Support and Career Services
  8. What kind of education you will receive greatly depends on how a college supports students with their academics. While other schools provide possibilities like free tutoring groups and writing assistance, some schools provide little support and strive to promote an environment of independence. Knowing the school's placement rates for employment and graduate programs is also important to take into account because it provides information about the effectiveness and breadth of each program.

  9. Perspective
  10. How a college made you feel is the most crucial consideration while choosing one. The school you choose should feel like home, a place where you can grow and develop not only academically but in all facets of life, regardless of all the programs, opportunities, and scholarships. By giving you the skills you'll need for the rest of your life, the proper institution will cultivate an environment that will both challenge you and assist you in realizing your objectives and goals.